Financial Literacy Project

Financial Literacy
Promoting financial literacy has always been one of the Bank’s important initiatives. As a member of the Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC), the Bank is committed to the nine Cambodia Sustainable Finance Principles—to increase Cambodians’ level of financial knowledge.
Incorporating financial awareness was not limited to the Bank’s policy-making process; Prince Bank Plc. took part in supporting the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) to further this important cause. School outreaches to provincial locations such as Kampong Cham were organized to distribute educational materials to primary and secondary school students.
The Bank hosted a public event at AEON II shopping mall to launch its campaign, “Me and My Money” aimed to educate Cambodians about financial management.
Social media was another channel the Bank leveraged in order to reach a wider audience. Through the company’s Facebook page, a series of short, educational video clips were created to focus on four simple, yet not fully understood ideas: earning, saving, spending, and lending. These video clips were part of a greater effort to publicize the importance of financial literacy.